Unison Behavioral Health Group, in partnership with Mercy Health and support from the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board, is announcing the creation of a treatment facility to address the growing opioid addiction issue in Toledo. Unison will open a subacute detoxification unit to provide needed medically supervised detoxification services. Unison will develop space at 1212 Cherry Street to support an inpatient subacute detoxification unit which will complement already existing outpatient treatment services at this facility.  Unison will enhance its clinical partnership with Mercy Health to develop clinical programs and services to serve adult, chemically dependent men and women.  The new 16 resident unit will include both private and two-person rooms. “At Mercy Health, our 161-year mission guides us to care for the whole patient – mind, body and spirit – and we are honored to build on our clinical partnership with Unison at this new facility, which is critically needed in our community to care for those struggling with opiate addiction,” said Jeff Dempsey, president and CEO for Mercy Health – St. Charles Hospital. “Our Behavioral Health Institute leaders and clinical experts at St. Vincent and St. Charles will work in partnership with Unison to enhance the health and well-being of our community.”