Mobile Mammography Nov 1

Bryan Community Health Center
228 S Main St
Bryan, Ohio 43506
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Date & time

Please note, while mammogram screenings may be covered by insurance, for best coverage, please verify if Mercy Health – St. Charles Hospital is an in-network provider with your insurance carrier. If you are uninsured or underinsured (have high deductibles), we have financial need-based assistance programs available to help you. If eligible, you may qualify for a no-cost mammogram. Call 1-800-929-6626 for more information. 


Screenings at the Mercy Health Mobile Mammography unit are by appointment only - call 833-MAMM- VAN to schedule your screening on the mobile unit.  


To view the full list of dates and locations, visit


Talk with your doctor about when you should have a screening mammogram. Screening mammograms are usually a covered benefit with most insurance carriers.


Certified radiologists read all mammograms and because a second look can mean a second chance, we double-check all mammograms with a computer-aided detection system that detects more breast cancer than mammography alone. You and your physician receive a copy of the results.