Breast Cancer Awareness Event

Lourdes Marshall Nemer Pavilion - Borders Community Room
1532 Lone Oak Rd First Floor (by Main Entrance)
Paducah, Kentucky 42003
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Date & time
In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to help educate the community about breast cancer and what steps you and your loved ones can take to prevent it, catch it early when it is most treatable, and the latest in the fight against it, Mercy Health—Lourdes Hospital is hosting a free Breast Cancer Community Education Event. The afternoon event will also feature an inflatable Mega Breasts walkthrough exhibit – this exhibit is a large-scale, interactive, educational model of the human breasts.

At 12:00 PM, in the Marshall Nemer Pavilion Borders Community Room, Mercy Health Physician and Breast Surgeon Daniel Howard, MD, will give a  “Lunch and Learn” talk for the public on Breast Cancer Updates. This will include topics such as
-       Preventing breast cancer
-       Advances in breast cancer screening and diagnosis
-       Advances in treatment options for breast cancer