Orthopedics and Sports Medicine

Mercy Health — Western Kentucky Orthopedics

200 Clint Hill Boulevard
Main Floor
Paducah, Kentucky 42001
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Neck-to-Toe Orthopedic Specialists in Your Community

You can find the orthopedic care you need in your own community. Mercy Health — Western Kentucky Orthopedics, formerly known as Orthopaedic Institute of Western Kentucky (OIWK), is the region’s largest orthopedic service provider and offers treatment that rivals any found in larger cities. Please visit us when you experience any musculoskeletal issues. Our team of board-certified providers strives to provide exceptional, patient-centered service that results in rewarding outcomes. Our orthopedic surgeons and mid-level providers will thoroughly evaluate your condition and provide a recommended course of treatment to help you thrive.

Why Choose Mercy Health?

Our team of specialists works together to offer comprehensive care. You can get the services you need in one place, including general orthopedics, specialized medicine, X-rays, MRIs, and various therapies. You won’t have to drive across the region to find the right treatment because it’s all here.

You will also receive technologically advanced care. Our doctors serve patients while participating in medical trials, conducting medical research, and writing articles on orthopedics. They stay abreast of the evolving orthopedic world so they can offer the most modern techniques and treatment. This includes computer-guided procedures and 3D printing for custom implants.
